Celebrating nursing excellence at Barts Health | Our news

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Celebrating nursing excellence at Barts Health

Yesterday, colleagues from across the Trust were recognised for their hard work, dedication and commitment to their profession and presented with the prestigious Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Awards.

The national awards, launched by Ruth May (Chief officer for England) in 2019 has two categories – a silver award recognising major contributions to patients and the profession, for nurses and midwives and a gold award recognising lifetime achievements for nurses and midwives.

The winners of the CNO awards:

  • Whipps Cross nursing team who responded to the floods in July 2021 (silver award)
  • Tricia Handley - lead learning disabilities nurse (silver award)
  • Sherry Manning – Associate director of nursing and divisional director, Newham (silver award)
  • Zebina Ratansi – Director of nursing and governance, Whipps Cross (silver award)
  • Martina Cummins - Clinical director of infection, prevention and control (gold award)

The very special awards ceremony was held at Whipps Cross Hospital and awards presented in person by Jane Clegg, Chief Nurse for NHS London, Caroline Alexander CBE, group chief nursing officer and Dame Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for England, who joined online.

CNO winners

Caroline Alexander said:

“A huge thank you to Dame Ruth May, for awarding the prestigious awards to our people. It was lovely to be there to celebrate with them all - I am so proud of nurses and nursing at Barts Health and it was lovely to celebrate the unique contribution of these special nurses.”


On receiving the award, Tricia Handley, lead nurse for learning disabilities, said:

“I feel incredibly humbled and very proud. To get an award from the Chief nurse of England is a career highlight and I still can’t quite believe it.”


Zebina Ratansi, Director of Nursing at Whipps Cross, said:

“I am very pleased that Whipps Cross staff have been recognised for the management of patient safety during the floods in July 2021. This was a whole team effort and in particular the silver on call team on the night, Neil Bourke, and the estates team, in particular Ashley Nayak.

It was also a great honour to receive the award for my services to Whipps Cross and to critical care nursing in London. The work was only possible because of the fantastic nursing colleagues I work with at Whipps and within London Critical Care.”


Congratulations to all the winners and thank your everything you do!

Read the nominations in full:  CNO awards nominations and catch-up with the latest on the winners on Twitter.

CNO winners


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