Bernadette Thompson receives OBE

Last week our associate director of inclusion, Bernadette Thompson, received her OBE medal at Windsor Castle for services to diversity and inclusion. Bernadette discusses her award and what this means for her inclusion work.
“It was an honour to receive an OBE in the Queen's 2021 Birthday Honours list. Now that the palace is catching up on its ceremonial backlog, it was a glorious moment last week on 30 March when I received my medal from the Princess Royal (Princess Anne) at Windsor Castle.
“Receiving this recognition for services to diversity and inclusion within the UK Civil Service really means a lot to me, as it encapsulates who I am as a person, my values and my ambition. Helping organisations create cultures where people can thrive is an important part of what I do.
Receiving this honour has re-energised me to push on and press for progress. To tackle inequalities and inequitable behaviours in our organisation head on, and to lay bare any uncomfortable truths we may need to hear to help us on our journey of belonging.
At Barts Health, we have recently refreshed our commitment to becoming a truly inclusive organisation. This ambition is a "marathon and not a sprint" and we are on this journey of becoming a place where everyone can categorically say "WeBelong".
If you haven't read our strategy, please find some time to have a look and let’s act together and echo these words summarising our inclusion aspirations."