BBC London: how we’re preparing for Omicron | Our news

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BBC London: how we’re preparing for Omicron

It was lights, camera, action this week as colleagues featured in two BBC London pieces on how we are managing Omicron and looking after our staff during the next challenge of the pandemic.

The Omicron variant is spreading fast in London and we're updating existing winter escalation plans to keep our teams safe so we can continue to treat our patients.

In part one, as Covid case numbers grasp the capital, emergency care consultant Tony Joy explains how his team are helping to relieve pressures on A&E this winter through a pioneering scheme called Remote Access Emergency Coordination Hub (REACH).

The piece explains how we're balancing the risk across all our patients – those coming in through the front door, those staying as inpatients, and those leaving – so that those who need care the most receive it at the right time.

Part two showcases the Whipps Cross wellbeing hub and includes interviews with our wellbeing lead Claire Davis and matron June Smith on how we’re looking after our staff.

The focus of this segment was on how we're committed to the wellbeing of our staff as we ask them to be prepared to work flexibly so we can respond to the Omicron challenge.

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