Barts Life Sciences heralds new era in ground breaking AI research  | Our news

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Barts Life Sciences heralds new era in ground breaking AI research 

CAP-AI, a cutting edge research programme in Artificial Intelligence (AI), is inviting applications for a second round of projects with Barts Life Sciences, which is placing healthcare in east London at the forefront of the AI and technology revolution. 

The CAP-AI programme, which has already supported five innovative projects, is London’s first artificial intelligence (AI) programme focused on stimulating growth in the capital’s AI cluster. 

Barts Life Sciences are seeking expressions of interest for a second cohort for 12 or 18 month data centric projects that align to one of four themes:

  • Personalised data-driven medicine
  • Population health
  • Self-care and prevention
  • Diagnostics and imaging

The programme will take place between October 2020 and September 2022 and will fund 5 projects. The deadline for expressions of interest is 23 June. 

Following expressions of interest, successful applicants will be invited to submit a full application. 

CAP-AI’s collaborative approach brings together technical expertise, healthcare data knowledge and innovation. This should mean greater scope for the using AI for a range of healthcare and research purposes, including detection and diagnosis of disease, management of chronic conditions and improved delivery of health services.

The programme’s projects have developed new AI and machine learning tools and solutions across a wide range of healthcare services. With teams from Barts Health NHS Trust and Queen Mary University of London offering support to London-based Small/Medium Enterprise (SMEs) to develop and deliver their projects, with the aim of creating a new product that can be commercialised.

Led by Capital Enterprise, in partnership with Barts Health NHS Trust and Digital Catapult, CAP-AI is jointly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Barts Charity.

For more details, contact details and application requirements please download the further information and expression of interest documents:

Barts Life Sciences Expression-of-Interest Form CAP-AI cohort 2 104KB

CAP-AI cohort 2 application information 78KB


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