Barts Health opens a large-scale Covid-19 vaccination centre in Newham

We’re stepping up our contribution to the country’s Covid-19 vaccination programme by opening a large-scale vaccination centre for members of the public in the ExCeL conference centre at Newham.
The NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Centre, Newham, which goes live this week, will serve the whole of London.
The NHS will invite people to have a vaccine via a letter, which will provide information on how to book an appointment through a national booking system.
Anyone wishing to join the national effort can apply for a number of clinical and non-clinical opportunities at the centre, including vaccinator, clinical supervisor and front of house jobs.
These roles are available on a flexible basis.
Whatever your role, you will receive appropriate training and a comprehensive induction, and be provided with the PPE you need to safely do your job.
Deputy group director of people Delvir Mehet said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to join the large-scale vaccination programme, protect the people of London and the south east and help return our lives back to normal.
“There are a number of newly-created roles available for both clinical and administrative staff, and I would encourage everyone who can to put their name forward.
“We look forward to welcoming you as part of the team.”
- For job opportunities at the NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Centre, Newham, please visit Bank Partners website.
- For volunteering opportunities at the NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Centre, Newham, please visit the volunteering section of our website.
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