Barts Health NHS Trust win Health Tech News award | Our news

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Barts Health NHS Trust win Health Tech News award

Last night (20 January) Barts Health NHS Trust Education Academy won the 2022 Health Tech News case study of the year award for its innovative use of Class Attendance Tracker (CAT) QR in training the workforce for the NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre, Newham at ExCeL London.

When Barts Health was asked to join the national vaccination roll-out and open and run this large-scale vaccination centre, our education academy was tasked with inducting, training and competency-assessing a workforce that was required to deliver thousands of vaccines a day under tight deadlines.

To help do this, they co-developed CATQR with Shinetech Software, a Microsoft Gold Partner, to efficiently monitor workforce training attendance and competence in real-time. The technology uses QR codes and people’s mobile phones to allow them to sign-in to education and training sessions, providing accurate real-time data for both learners and the trust.

CATQR code check-in process at ExCeL

Using this technology effectively replaced around 25,000 individual paper signatures from the workforce and provided a system that not only eliminated the errors that creep in with manual systems but also enabled real time data reporting.

The team also used CATQR in other ways, including to track people’s attendance at group training sessions; to check the signing in and out of staff and volunteers at the centre; to track the successful competency assessment of all staff through daily supervision; to track the lateral flow testing results of all staff and volunteers; and to monitor clinical competency in real-time within the vaccination areas.

Lois Whittaker, Managing Director of The  Education Academy at Barts Health said: “We are delighted to have won this prestigious award and my thanks go to the entire team for their continued hard work in driving forward the use of technology within education and training.

“By using CATQR we were able to address and overcome the long-standing problem of how to accurately and effectively track face-to-face training and competency assessment, and demonstrate that doing so doesn’t have to be a clunky, manual process. Using CATQR meant we could train our workforce more efficiently, something which was core to Barts Health delivering over 240,000 vaccines in one year to the people of east London and beyond.”

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  1. Fabia Ghany Monday, 24 January 2022 at 10:12 AM

    This is great news, many congratulations!

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