Barts Health highly commended in employer of the year awards | Our news

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Barts Health highly commended in employer of the year awards

Barts Health was selected as a finalist for the Employment Related Services Association (ERSA) Employability Awards 2020.

The prestigious employer of the year award recognises an employer who has demonstrated exceptional commitment in creating opportunities for disadvantaged and long-term unemployed jobseekers.

The ERSA is a membership body in the employment support sector and an important group in the welfare to work industry which improves the support systems that help people into work.

Barts Health was nominated for the Community Works for Health scheme and its contribution to the local recruitment programmes. At this year’s awards, Barts Health was highly commended in the employer of the year category.

The Community Work for Health Programme, run by the Trust’s Public Health team, helps those who live close to one of our hospitals get an apprenticeship job. The programme offers bespoke pre-employability training and priority access to apprenticeship vacancies.

Andrew Attfield, associated director public health at Barts Health said, “We run the Community Works for Health scheme because we do not think you need to look further than east London to find most of the talent we need to run our hospitals. 

“Looking locally means we can build a contract with our communities that says if you work hard and apply yourself, we can help find you a role or a training position within the Trust.”

“Since 2012, the scheme has helped over 1,500 local people into jobs and apprenticeships. 

“The Covid-19 crisis has heightened awareness of inequalities, so the scheme will redouble its efforts to help local people in difficult times. 

“In the meantime, it is great to be recognised in this way.”

Sadhek Khan, Head of Community Employment at Barts Health said, “I made a submission for the employer of the year award on the back of the success of the local recruitment programmes we run here in the Public Health team.”

Elizabeth Taylor, ERSA chief executive,  said, “Now more than ever, it is important to shine the spotlight on the amazing organisations and people that work to make the UK employment support sector the dynamic and effective force for good that it is.”

You can learn how to get involved in the Community Works for Health scheme on our website.  For further information about the awards please visit the ERSA website.


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