Barts Charity awards £850k to launch new recognition programme | Our news

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Barts Charity awards £850k to launch new recognition programme

At Barts Health, we are celebrating the amazing things our staff do every day by launching an exciting new recognition programme based on feedback from our people.

It’s all possible thanks to securing a significant grant through Barts Charity.

Recognising our staff is of utmost importance since effective recognition, when implemented, can have a positive impact on physical health and emotional wellbeing.

Recognition is also a key part of the NHS People Promise which articulates what matters most to those who work in the service.

We listened to feedback from our valued staff and considered what recognition truly meant in 2023. In summary, our colleagues said they wanted:

  • A peer-to-peer recognition platform
  • Visible recognition for ‘everyday acts of kindness’
  • Small gifts, food and discounts as a token of appreciation
  • More recognition from senior leaders and managers
  • Continue recognising long service
  • Continue our annual Barts Health Heroes awards

Daniel Waldron, group director of people at Barts Health, said:

“Recognising the big and small contributions of our staff and volunteer members is vital to recruiting and retaining the very best talent.”

At the heart of our new approach will be a brand-new digital platform called Barts Hearts, an online hub for staff appreciation. Staff can write quick shout-outs to colleagues and attach virtual hearts for that extra thumbs-up.

Collect five hearts, and you unlock a gift of your choice. It's real-time recognition, fun, and a way for us to celebrate the outstanding work of our amazing staff and volunteers.

Daniel was keen to convey:

“Barts Hearts will further support our commitment to making Barts Health a great place to work and emphasises the importance of creating a positive work environment that values its people.”

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