Alwen announces her intention to step down as group chief executive | Our news

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Alwen announces her intention to step down as group chief executive

Alwen Williams has announced her intention to step down as Barts Health group chief executive later this year. In almost seven years in the role, she has led the trust to become one of the most respected NHS organisations in the country.   

“It has not been an easy decision to step down after over 40 years NHS service.  I have worked with the most committed, talented and hard-working colleagues to improve healthcare services in east London for many years,” she said. 

“I am very proud of all that we’ve done together as #TeamBarts and no more so than in the last two years of the Covid pandemic. Barts Health has an exciting future ahead with the Whipps Cross redevelopment, Barts Life Sciences and the future collaboration with Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust (BHRUT) and other partners within the North East London integrated care system.  

“I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to lead Barts Health as my last full- time role in the NHS - it has been a huge privilege to be your Chief Executive. I will step down at the end of July, but will ensure that we focus on our key priorities in the months ahead as we continue to deliver our Covid recovery plans and support our teams as best we can.” 

Jacqui Smith, chair in common of the Trust and BHRUT, said:

“Alwen has done a fantastic job in leading a successful turnaround in the fortunes of Barts Health. The team she built has taken one of the country’s biggest acute trusts out of special measures, and established an effective group model to deal with the challenges the NHS faces for the future.”    

“Alwen’s exemplary leadership will be sorely missed, both within the group and among our partners across north east London. After consulting colleagues I will make a further announcement as soon as possible about arrangements for recruiting a successor.” 


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  1. David Burbidge Wednesday, 23 February 2022 at 01:57 PM

    Very sad to see you go, but you leave behind an incredible legacy, whoever comes next will have to live up to what I would say was a legend,
    Best Wishes

  2. Paulette Edwards Thursday, 24 February 2022 at 12:19 PM

    So sad to see you go Alwen. You have been the best and hardest working CEO I have known since I began working in the NHS and that's 33 years! I hope your replacement can live up to your legacy and earn the love, respect and admiration that we have for you. I also hope that the next part of your journey will be uplifting and enjoyable.
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all that you have done for us at Barts Health and state the obvious, 'you will be sorely missed'.
    Best wishes for your future endeavours!

  3. Michelle Ainsworth Friday, 25 February 2022 at 10:06 AM

    Dear Alwen,
    SO sad to see you leave, I wish you well in what ever your next plans are for the future.
    THank you for all you have done for Barts Health,
    All the best
    Warmest Regards
    Michelle Resuscitation Officer
    Resuscitation Service

  4. Howard Lyons Tuesday, 5 July 2022 at 01:40 PM

    What an amazing career Alwen! Privileged to have worked with you all those years ago when you took your first substantive role at St Stephens Hospital Chelsea (now Royal C&W), always cool, calm and collected. ☺️ Enjoy a well- earned retirement - or whatever you decide to take on next.

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