Adam Sewell-Jones to step down as Newham Hospital Chief Executive in December | Our news

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Adam Sewell-Jones to step down as Newham Hospital Chief Executive in December

This coming December, Adam Sewell-Jones will be stepping down as Chief Executive of Newham Hospital. Having been appointed in April 2020 on an interim basis, Adam will be taking up a new position as Chief Executive of East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust in December.

“It’s an honour to work with such dedicated colleagues and friends at Newham Hospital and Barts Health,” says Adam. “I am incredibly proud of all the staff at Newham Hospital, particularly how they have stepped up and responded to the Covid-19 pandemic over the last 18 months. I will be sad to leave in December, but until then, I remain dedicated to making Newham Hospital a great place to work and be treated. I will always think of my time here fondly and look forward to seeing both Newham Hospital and Barts Health go on to do even bigger and better things for the people of east London and beyond in the future.”

Speaking on Adam’s departure, Alwen Williams said: “I’d like to offer my congratulations to Adam on being appointed as Chief Executive of East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust. He has been a great asset to Barts Health and during his time as Chief Executive of Newham Hospital, has led the hospital brilliantly, under extremely difficult circumstances. Adam will be missed and we wish him all the best in his new role.”

The search for a new chief executive for Newham Hospital is underway, with the intention of recruiting in September. It is hoped that the successful applicant will be able to take-up the role in December.

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