50,000 vaccines delivered at NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre, Newham | Our news

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50,000 vaccines delivered at NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre, Newham

This week, the NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre, Newham reached a significant milestone – they delivered their 50,000th Covid-19 vaccine. The centre, which is run by Barts Health and based at ExCeL London, has delivered these vaccines to the population of east London and beyond.

“It’s a momentous landmark for everyone involved in the centre,” says Jan Flint, managing director of the NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre Newham. 

“There was a real sense of delight among staff at the end of the day that we reached the 50,000 mark. Everyone was so excited and proud to be playing a part in helping people in the UK get back to doing the things they love.”

The team at the vaccination centre is comprised of Barts Health staff, agency staff, St John Ambulance volunteers and London Ambulance Service staff, as well as Barts Health volunteers. They’re also brilliantly supported by staff from ExCeL London.

“There’s a real sense of teamwork across the site,” continues Jan. “Everyone works so well together and gets on really well. This has been a huge part of the centre running so well and providing vaccines to so many people.”

Andrew Hines, group director for corporate development, and the individual who oversees all of Barts Health vaccination work agrees. 

"At Barts Health, we’re immensely proud to have vaccinated over 50,000 people over the last two months at the NHS COVID-19 vaccination centre, Newham. This has been possible due to the efforts of our fantastic  staff, volunteers and partners, with particular thanks to St John Ambulance and the London Ambulance Service.”

But that’s not all. “In addition, we have given nearly 34,000 vaccines in four hospitals across Barts Health”, explains Andrew. “This is an incredible achievement by all involved across the group."  

He continues, "We will carry on playing our part in offering vaccinations to the priority groups identified by the JCVI. And we urge anyone in these groups, who has been contacted, but has not yet booked an appointment, to ‘get the jab’."

You can find out more information on the NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre, Newham online. And if you have any questions around vaccines, why not check out our YouTube playlist.

Read more 

Barts Health opens a large-scale Covid-19 vaccination centre in Newham

A vaccination family affair at the NHS Covid-19 vaccination centre, Newham

Barts Health bringing vaccinations to the local community

“I would encourage everyone to have the vaccine”


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  1. Sheryl Hussain Friday, 26 March 2021 at 03:35 PM

    I think there are a few more people who deserve "thanks" apart from the actual people giving the vaccines at the Excel.....for example the back seat people in administration.

  2. Arlene Stenhouse Friday, 26 March 2021 at 04:34 PM

    Are you currently sending text messages inviting people to come to Newham for vaccination?

  3. Constance Boateng Saturday, 27 March 2021 at 03:56 PM

    please wants to book for my 2ND DOSE OF THE VACINE, I had my 1st Dose on the 23th of December 2019.

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