PARKING SUSPENSION: car park 4 | News from Whipps Cross Hospital

  1. Contrast:


Staff and vistor parking map update

From Saturday 21 October, car park 4 at Whipps Cross Hospital (opposite A&E main entrance) will be closed for maintenance for three weeks.

  • Phase 1 – Saturday 21st October 2023 – 29th October 2023
  • Phase 2 – Monday 30th October 2023 – 5th November 2023
  • Phase 3 – Monday 6th November 2023 – 12th November 2023

The maintenance work will include resurfacing and reconfiguring car park 4 to allow us to make better use of the space. The works will also enable; additional parking spaces for visitors, clearly marked bays, removing potholes, more accessible parking spaces and better lighting and CCTV coverage in the area.

While this work is underway, kindly note the alternative parking available:

  • Staff are advised to park in the main staff car park (car park 2) for the duration of the works - pictured below
  • Patients and visitors can continue to use part of car park 4 for phase I of the maintenance work. As phase II commences, visitor parking will be available in the newly resurfaced area (completed during phase I). Signs will be displayed with further instruction during this time.

Staff and visitors will still be charged to use the car park and will be directed to the payment machine that will be kept accessible throughout the works.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.

Car park 4:

Car park 4


Car park 2:

Car park 2 view 1

Car park view 2


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