Whipps Cross welcomes first cutting-edge surgical robot | News from Whipps Cross Hospital

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Whipps Cross welcomes first cutting-edge surgical robot

WXH Surgical Robot - team photo.jpg

Thanks to the support of Barts Charity, Whipps Cross Hospital introduced its first surgical robot, marking a significant step forward in advancing patient care.

This means that people in the community will have access to minimally invasive procedures for a wider range of conditions in areas including colorectal, urology and gynaecology.

The demand for gynaecology surgery at Whipps is considerable, and with the addition of robotic surgery, Whipps Cross can now efficiently address this backlog, ensuring swifter consultations and timelier interventions. Robotic-assisted procedures can also translate to reduced post-operative complications and accelerated recovery periods. In many cases, patients can leave the hospital the same day and recover at home, returning to normal life soon after surgery.

So, how does this cutting-edge technology work? Surgeons command the robot's articulated arms from a specialised console. Through this interface, they manipulate miniature instruments with precision while observing the operation through an immersive magnified display.

This enhanced control allows for unparalleled accuracy, resulting in shorter surgical durations. The design of the machine enables surgeons to operate comfortably, minimising fatigue and maximising their capacity.

Watch Whipps Cross CEO, Dr Amanjit Jhund, and Mr Odejinmi as they share their insights on the impact of this exciting advancement for Whipps Cross and the local community. 

Reflecting on this transformative development, Mr Funlayo Odejinmi, Consultant Gynaecologist at Whipps Cross Hospital, said, "Whipps Cross is now prepared to ensure equitable access to improved surgical care. This not only enhances our ability to deliver better outcomes but also reaffirms our commitment to pioneering medical excellence for the communities we serve."


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