Quicker CT scan appointments | News from Whipps Cross Hospital

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Quicker CT scan appointments

Adult patient in scanner

We are committed to ensuring our patients receive the right care in the right place at the right time. To improve access to CT scanning services, we’ve partnered with the Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) at Mile End Hospital.

What this means for our patients:

  • Most outpatient CT scans will now take place at the CDC hub, where you’ll benefit from shorter wait times.
  • Inpatients and patients needing specialised scans will still receive their scans at Whipps Cross.

This change allows our Whipps Cross imaging team to focus on urgent and inpatient care, reducing wait times and ensuring quicker diagnoses for those who need them most.

If your doctor or GP has referred you for a CT scan, you’ll likely receive an appointment at Mile End Hospital. If you have any questions about this process, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Read more: 

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