PReCePT, a national quality improvement initiative, has been shortlisted at the 2020 Health Service Journal Awards | News from Whipps Cross Hospital

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PReCePT, a national quality improvement initiative, has been shortlisted at the 2020 Health Service Journal Awards

PReCePT, a national quality improvement initiative involving clinicians from Whipps Cross Hospital, has been shortlisted for Workforce Initiative of the Year at the 2020 Health Service Journal Awards.

Prevention of Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Labour (PReCePT) is a quality improvement (QI) initiative to increase awareness and knowledge among maternity and neonatal staff about using magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) as brain protection during preterm birth, helping to reduce avoidable newborn brain injury and cerebral palsy.

The PReCePT QI intervention has been implemented in all maternity units in England, using innovative methods to train and enable perinatal teams to give magnesium sulphate to mothers in preterm labour to protect the baby’s brain.

Whipps Cross Hospital is part of the national rollout of PReCePT taking part in the PReCePT Study research trial, which is comparing two different approaches of implementing the PReCePT QI intervention. The results of the trial will inform best practice for adoption and spread of future QI initiatives.

Dr Nandita Deo, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, clinical director for quality and safety at Whipps Cross Hospital, said:

“We are delighted to have been a part of this initiative that has been shortlisted for the HSJ award. The collaboration between midwifery, obstetrics, neonatology and QI teams has aimed to reduce cerebral palsy rates and ensure the best outcome for premature babies.”

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