
Dedicated midwifery leader receives prestigious award

Rita Osayimwen, practice development midwife lead, has been recognised with the prestigious Chief Midwifery Officer Award, for her commitment and dedication in the maternity department. 

60 seconds with...Cameron Braddy-Green

We spoke to Cameron Braddy-Green, chief registrar and gastroenterologist, about his work at Whipps Cross, highlights from the past year and being nominated for the Star of the Month award. 

Spotlight on: Woodlands Day Unit team

We spoke to Sare Hewitt and her team at the Woodlands Day Unit at Whipps Cross Hospital about the work they do at the unit, some of the successes they’ve had and the positive feedback they’ve received from some of their patients.

Head of community participation, Whipps Cross redevelopment

60 seconds with...Althea Bart

We talked to Althea, our new head of community participation at Whipps Cross, about her role, the work with the local community and how staff, patients and the local community can get involved in what she does. 

Covid-19 stories: Pauline Ricketts

We talked to Pauline about her decision to have the Covid-19 vaccine and how she's encouraged others to get their jab. 

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