Come along to our fun-filled Open Day! | News from Whipps Cross Hospital

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Come along to our fun-filled Open Day!

With our open day just a week away, and we’re sharing more information on what you can expect on the day!


Everyone is invited

Everyone – from members of the public to patients and their families, staff and local partners – is invited to our open day on Saturday 12 August, 11am – 3:30pm. Our first in three years (due to the pandemic), we’re very excited to once again be opening our hospital doors to local residents and showcasing the services we provide and why Whipps Cross Hospital is a great place to receive your care and workplace for our people.

What will be going on?

Ever wanted to learn about what some of our specialists do or what it’s like to work in an emergency department? Do you want to know more about the different people that work in a ward or what's next for the brand new hospital? Then this is the day for you!

Throughout the day, staff from different hospital services will be hosting stalls that explain the work they do, how they care for patients and how you can have a career in the NHS. We’ll also have stalls from some of our external partners including Healthwatch and Barts Charity.

There will be lots of fun activities during the day, including music, fun freebies, balloon artists and lots more! 

When, where and how?

When: Saturday 12 August from 11:00am – 3:30pm

Where: Whipps Cross Hospital. Follow directions to outpatients (updated location due to weather)

How: There’s no need to register or get a ticket for this event – simply turn up on the day and have fun!

So put the date in your diary now and share the below with your friends, family and colleagues local to the area. Whipps cross open day information flyer

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