Barts Health Heroes 2023 winners: Sheila Ramdial | News from Whipps Cross Hospital

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Barts Health Heroes 2023 winners: Sheila Ramdial

On 8 April, Sheila Ramdial, gynaecology Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) at Whipps Cross Hospital, celebrated 50 years in the NHS. Having come over from the Caribbean at the age of 17, Sheila started training the day after her 18th birthday. Her daughter now works at the same hospital. 

We caught up with Sheila after she won the individual Welcoming award at this year's Barts Health Heroes ceremony.

“When I found out I was a winner, I was very surprised, I was very nervous too, but very happy.

“I was sitting with my daughter at the event and she recorded me and oh my god when you see me moving my hands and dancing it’s just the nerves and oh my gosh, it was an amazing night”, shares Sheila.

But for her, this is not the first time that she has been recognised for her outstanding work. She recalls winning the ‘Nurse of the year’ award when she was 20.

“I couldn’t believe it; I was so young but it was a great moment for me.”

As a devoted nurse, Sheila has been able to help lots of pregnant women that come to our maternity department for advice and support as well as those who have sadly had miscarriages.

“I will cherish all those experiences and moments that I’ve had with my patients throughout my work and career here; I really enjoy what I do."

Sheila also enjoys mentoring new doctors and nurses joining the Trust and you can regularly see her in the company of a ‘newbie’.

“I love teaching people what I know and what I’ve learnt and passing on the knowledge and that sort of experiences are also very rewarding.”

As part of her work, Sheila does regular ward rounds, blood scans for patients and she also oversees the handovers and looks after patients that have had surgery, always making sure they get bespoke attention and help if the need arises.

“I particularly find very rewarding to help women who have lost a baby. That’s very close to my heart because it happened to my daughter, but generally speaking I enjoy everything about gynaecology.”

In her spare time, Sheila enjoys watching and following cricket and football as well as spending time with her family which includes five grandchildren.  

Sheila encourages other colleagues to celebrate each other’s work and recognise what they do.

“It’s important that we nominate each other for a Barts Health Hero, I think is important because we have a lot of good nurses out there, and some people that go above and beyond for our patients and that’s what Barts Health is good for, to look after patients. We are here for the patients.”

To celebrate her 50th anniversary in the NHS and 32 years at Whipps Cross Hospital, Sheila’s family is hosting a very special party with friends and other close relatives.


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