Barts Charity says thank you to Whipps Cross! | News from Whipps Cross Hospital

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Barts Charity says thank you to Whipps Cross!


Barts Charity wants to say thank you to Whipps Cross!

Some of our friends from Barts Charity popped by on 26 February bearing gifts. This was to say thank you for so many of you helping to promote the charity’s My Thank You campaign.

My Thank You is a new way to give patients, their families and friends the opportunity to tell NHS staff what a difference they make via a personal thank you message.

Many of you have probably seen the thank you messages – either in your emails or on some of the digital screens dotted around the hospital. Since launching this campaign in October, we have received over 350 personal thank you messages!

Which wards are getting the most thank you messages?

Coming in first place with the gold medal is the Maternity Ward, with 62 messages. Outpatients is also doing fantastically with 21 messages. And, getting the bronze, is A&E with 18 messages.

A particular big shout out to: Loretta in Antenatal, Agnes in the Elizabeth Ward, and Laura in the Primrose Ward – who have received the most thank you messages so far.

Let’s get involved in the My Thank You campaign

Not only is the My Thank You campaign a great way to make sure Whipps Cross colleagues get the credit they deserve, but it’s also a way that we can keep our patients aware of the support that Barts Charity provides for the hospital.

MyThankyou Whipps Collage

You can find out more about My Thank You and read all the lovely messages on


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