One hundred patients benefit from robotic surgery at St Bartholomew’s Hospital | News from St Bartholomew's

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One hundred patients benefit from robotic surgery at St Bartholomew’s Hospital

One hundred patients at St Bartholomew’s Hospital have benefited from reduced pain and a quicker recovery, thanks to an innovative robot funded by Barts Charity.

In a first for the UK, St Bartholomew’s has the only robot dedicated to cardiothoracic (heart, chest and lungs) surgery. The first case took place in September 2017.

Surgeons operate the robot from a console positioned beside the patient, using their hands and feet to control the camera and small instruments inside the patient.

Robotic surgery allows for tiny incisions, which can be as small as 5mm. This less invasive technique has real advantages for patients, including reduced pain, fewer complications and quicker recovery time – allowing for more patients to be treated.

Consultant Thoracic Surgeon and Director of Robotic Surgery at the Thorax centre, Sasha Stamenkovic, who performed the 100th procedure alongside Senior Registrar Mr Al-Rehan Dhanji, said: “We feel very lucky to be the first hospital in the UK to have a robot dedicated to cardiothoracic surgery. It’s fantastic to know one hundred of our patients have now benefited from us having this innovative technology.  

“We have used the robot to provide more precise surgery for cancer patients and patients with tumours in their chest. We have also performed robotic operations on patients with advanced emphysema – a debilitating lung condition.

“I feel privileged to have led the one hundredth procedure, which involved removing a section of a patient’s left lung to test for lung cancer. The team and I look forward to the next one hundred cases here at St Bartholomew’s.”

Barts Charity Chief Executive Fiona Miller Smith commented: It is brilliant to see that the robot has improved the surgical experience for one hundred St Bartholomew’s patients already. The team are making rapid strides in applying this extraordinary technology to cases which are growing in both number and complexity. The robotic equipment is making a huge difference to both patients and staff and it’s a great example of how the Charity is supporting healthcare innovation.”


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