Restoring historic Barts | News from St Bartholomew's

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Restoring historic Barts

We are driving forward with our fundraising campaign, writes Will Palin, chief executive of Barts Heritage, the charity established to restore the historic buildings at St Bartholomew's Hospital.

As we celebrate View Day and the launch the Barts900 campaign it is worth remembering the approach of another anniversary.

2022 will mark the 300th anniversary of the completion of the North Wing at St Bartholomew’s Hospital.

The grand classical building with its beautiful interiors was the first part of a major redevelopment of the hospital by the great architect James Gibbs.

Gibbs did not live to see the completion of the new hospital but his elegant square survives and the North Wing, now under the care of Barts Heritage, is poised for a renaissance as our major project for its restoration gathers pace.

We now have planning permission for our scheme and a have been invited by the Heritage Fund to submit a major funding bid at the end of this month of £5 million.

Our experts have examined every inch of the Hogarth Stair and Great Hall to understand its condition and the conservation work needed to bring those great spaces back to life again.

Meanwhile, we have been working with hospital on exciting plans for the health and wellbeing hub that's currently being trialled in the North Wing to find a long term home within the restored building.

Under the patronage of HRH The Prince of Wales and with support from our Patrons Circle and Friends of Barts Heritage, we are driving forward our £15m fundraising campaign, in time to launch the project in early 2023.

You can keep up with our project and read about our plans for bringing heritage and health together via our new website.

The Barts900 campaign launch took place on Wednesday 12 May 2021. Watch the event in full below or at where you can find out more about our exciting projects. A View Day service from St Bartholomew the Great followed immediately afterwards.

Picture credit: Matthew Andrews on behalf of Barts Heritage

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Great Hall repairs at St Bartholomew's Hospital Donation boards within the Great Hall at St Bartholomew's Hospital King Henry VIII Gatehouse at St Bartholomew's Hospital Hogarth staircase at St Bartholomew's Hospital



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