Representing Barts in Parliament | News from St Bartholomew's

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Representing Barts in Parliament

Amie and Melissa in Parliament

Two of our clinicians were in Westminster this week to share the important work we are doing to address health inequalities in east London.

Amie Murphy, our lead nurse for breast cancer, and Dr Melissa Phillips, a consultant medical oncologist, joined a parliamentary workshop on inequalities in metastatic breast cancer hosted by the Labour MP for Clapham and Brixton Hill Bell Ribeiro-Addy.

Metastatic breast cancer occurs when cancerous cells from a tumour that developed in the breast spread and grow in a different area or areas of the body.

Health inequalities workshop

It is also known as secondary breast cancer, stage IV breast cancer or advanced breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women worldwide, with metastatic breast cancer accounting for 90% of these deaths.

Persistent inequalities in access to high-quality breast cancer care contribute to poor outcomes, especially for traditionally underserved communities.

Amie and Melissa were invited to share their experiences of caring for breast cancer patients from BAME communities, doing so alongside colleagues from the Royal Marsden.

The event was organised by the Caribbean & African Health Network (CAHN) and funded by Gilead Sciences.

Well done to Amie and Melissa for representing our hospital in this way.

Pictured top of page: From left to right, Amie, Melissa and Sarah Adomah, lead breast cancer clinical nurse specialist from the Royal Marsden. Middle of page: the workshop in progress.

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