Our staff to star in Lord Mayor’s Show | News from St Bartholomew's

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Our staff to star in Lord Mayor’s Show

Lord Mayor's Show procession

We’re kicking off our 900th birthday celebrations by joining this year’s Lord Mayor’s Show procession.

All staff, volunteers, patients and supporters are invited to watch the central London event which takes place on Saturday 12 November.

The Lord Mayor’s Show dates back to the early 13th century when King John rashly allowed the City of London to appoint its own Mayor.

The King insisted that each newly-elected Mayor should come to Westminster and swear loyalty to the Crown, and the Mayor of London has been making that journey for over 800 years.

Around them grew up the noisy, colourful, joyous procession that over the centuries became known as the Lord Mayor’s Show.

We’re entering a walking ‘float’ with our friends from St Bartholomew the Great Church.

This special ‘Barts’ procession will pay homage to historical figures from our history and include current members of staff representing the modern hospital.

If you can’t make it into central London to support St Bartholomew's, why not look out for us on BBC television coverage?

Britain's oldest hospital, St Bartholomew's, turns 900 next year. A number of celebrations are taking place throughout the anniversary year in 2023, including around Foundation Day in March and View Day in May.

A significant fundraising campaign is also underway to build a new centre for breast cancer surgery and to preserve the hospital's Grade I listed buildings.

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