National award for 'outstanding' science service | News from St Bartholomew's

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National award for 'outstanding' science service

Nolan and Raquel collecting their award for outstanding health care science service

A Barts Health team helping to detect abnormal heart rhythms has been named Outstanding Healthcare Science Service for 2024.
The award, from NHS England’s Chief Scientific Officer Professor Dame Sue Hill, recognises the efforts of our cardiorespiratory department at St Bartholomew's Hospital to improve and expand their ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring service in the face of increasing demand, technological change and the Covid pandemic.

An ambulatory ECG monitor is a small device that measures the heart’s electrical activity during daily routine from between 24 hours and 14 days.

Advances in technology means these are now smaller, more comfortable and can be posted to patients who fit them at home.

The data is analysed by the device provider and transmitted back to our cardiac scientists who then work closely with our medical teams.

The team are particularly pleased with the quicker turnaround times and the patient-centred approach this new technology offers.

Judges also praised their service quality, adoption of new technologies and clinical compliance.

Pictured is Dr Nolan Stain, our head of cardiorespiratory physiology and Raquel Nunes, the deputy head, collecting the award on behalf of the team.

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