Maggie's making a difference | News from St Bartholomew's

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Maggie's making a difference

People chatting around a table at Maggie's Barts

Record numbers of people are turning to Maggie’s for expert cancer care and support.

The centre at St Bartholomew’s is on track to receive over 15,000 visits this year and will have supported nearly 50% of the newly diagnosed cancer population at the hospital.

There are 24 Maggie's centres across the UK offering practical and emotional support for anyone with cancer and their loved ones.

Centres are located on the grounds of NHS hospitals and support is also available online and by phone.

Maggie's Barts opened in 2017.

In April this year the team introduced a new programme for people undergoing treatment called ‘getting started with chemotherapy and immunotherapy'.

Around 600 people have taken part to date and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

99% of attendees said they were satisfied with the sessions and 96% would recommend them to someone they know.

The 60-minute workshops are delivered by a Maggie’s cancer support specialist and a Barts Cancer Centre chemotherapy nurse, in a supportive and non-judgemental setting.

Each session begins with a short video followed by an interactive questions and answer session giving people the opportunity to connect with others in a similar situation.Maggie's Centre rear of building

Everyone who attends a session can bring a family member or friend for additional support.

Crucially, many of those taking part are men, encouraging them to connect with support at an earlier stage.

One participant said: “It’s very helpful to watch the video. It shows you what to expect and makes it easier for you to understand treatment. I’m significantly more informed in terms of the process and who to contact for more information and support’’.

Victoria Curran heads up Maggie’s Barts.

She said: “Around 5,000 people are newly diagnosed with cancer each year at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and by the end of this year we would have supported almost half of them.

"This is an incredible achievement and testament to the hard work of my colleagues and the clinical teams in the hospital who signpost so many patients our way.

"This collaboration between Maggie’s and the hospital is so important to freeing up clinical capacity and improving the quality of life for people living with cancer in East London."

Chemotherapy nurse Marjorie Amoah said: "When looking for care and support in whatever form it may be, remember Maggie’s. It’s a place to laugh, a place to sigh, but most importantly to have a cup of tea.

"A problem aired is a problem shared. Thank God for Maggie’s!"

Maggie’s is located by the North Wing off the square at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. They are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. All support is free and you don’t need an appointment or referral.


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