‘He got down on one knee’ – your Barts900 memories

On the eve of our 900th birthday, staff and patients have been sharing their memories of St Bartholomew’s Hospital through the years.
On Twitter, Fiona (pictured above) said: “I took a photo of the fountain every visit for chemotherapy, scans and radiotherapy. The fountain was a comfort to me. This picture is of me minutes after my last chemo session.”
Sarah (pictured right) said: “Being treated for acute myeloid leukaemia in 2007, allowing my husband to sleep on a camp bed next to me and letting my kids visit. I will never stop being thankful for all the staff at Barts. Truly the best.”
On Facebook, Fran posted to say: “My dad’s friend was an administrator at Barts in the 1970s. One day she brought me to work with her and put on what I now realise was an old nurse’s cape and hat and she gave a guided tour. I had never seen anything in my life like the Hogarth staircase. At lunch we went to the Italian trattoria that’s still there on Aldersgate and I felt like the most sophisticated 11-year-old old in the world!”
Kevin commented: “Spent 6 months there in 2020. Friends and family were told to say goodbye. But 13 operations later and the care from some amazing staff who went above and beyond on numerous occasions. To sit by the fountain one day was when I thought ‘yes, I am starting to feel good’. Barts and all the staff will always have a special place in my heart.”
On Twitter, @whisky456 wrote: “The death of Derek Jarman at Barts in 1994 drew my attention to the HIV crisis and he positively reshaped my understanding of it and of the gay rights movement. Barts is always linked with Jarman for me.”
Suzy said: “So many memories, mostly of incredible friendships from day one as a student nurse in May 1986. The fondest memory is when my husband proposed on one knee by the fountain 30 years ago this month.”
Ann wrote to say: “I was on night duty when the big storm of 1987 hit. I’ll never forget it we had to stay on in the morning as well to cover.”
Former Barts nurse Mary remembers: “Driving into the square on 17 September 1984 with my mum to move into the 4th floor of Queen Mary’s Nurses Home. It was the start of a wonderful career although at 18 I was a little concerned that my bedroom overlooked theatre G!”
“I remember the fountain and going outside with my sister throwing pennies in it" - Sally
And finally, Louise writes: “The police horses coming to cheer the paediatric oncology patients when they were waiting for their radiotherapy. I even got to ride one! If it wasn't for their cheery faces and amazing service I wouldn't be here today. It's the place I feel safest. Thank you and happy birthday.”
Do you have memories of St Bartholomew’s? Post them in the comments below or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook.