Global recognition for Barts Health hospitals | News from St Bartholomew's

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Global recognition for Barts Health hospitals

A collage of St Bartholomew's and The Royal London hospital buildings

St Bartholomew’s and The Royal London are ranked among the best specialist hospitals in the world by an international survey covering 28 countries.

The accolade comes from Newsweek magazine, which every year partners with the global research firm Statista to assess facilities in a dozen medical fields.

Our hospitals faced some stiff competition, and the league tables are dominated by private hospitals in the United States, as well as capital cities in Europe and Asia.

St Bartholomew’s is rated among the top 100 hospitals for cancer treatment, cardiology, and heart surgery. Its highest global rating, however, is 38th in the world for endocrinology, the treatment of diseases to do with hormones.

The Royal London is among the top 200 for cancer, citing haematology oncology (blood cancer) and general paediatrics in particular. The hospital is also one of the top 300 listed in a brand-new category this year, the world’s best “smart” hospitals breaking new ground through technology.

Charles Knight, Chief Executive of St Bartholomew’s, said: “I’m so delighted that our specialised services at St Bartholomew’s have been recognised in this significant global survey. I’m particularly proud of the high ranking of our specialised endocrinology service whose reputation is deservedly world class.” 

Dr Neil Ashman, Chief Executive of The Royal London, said: “I’m really pleased to see our surgical and critical care teams recognised for the complex surgical care we offer for those diagnosed with cancer at the Royal London, and it’s great that our focus on digital innovation to improve patient outcomes is acknowledged too.”

The speciality lists are based on a global survey involving over 40,000 clinicians, together with available accreditation data and patient-reported outcomes.

Clinicians were not allowed to recommend their own hospitals.

A similar separate exercise for the smart hospitals assessed their use of electronic functionality, telemedicine, digital imaging, artificial intelligence, and robotics.

A previous Newsweek edition rated St Bartholomew’s the 5th best hospital in the UK.

For 2022, a handful of UK hospitals make the international top ten in any specialty: The Royal Brompton (10th for cardiology; 5th for pulmonology); Great Ormond St (3rd for paediatrics); King’s College (7th for gastroenterology); the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (9th); the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (3rd); and University College (7th for urology).

Within the UK hospitals, St Bartholomew’s is 12th for cancer, 4th for cardiology, 6th for heart surgery, and 3rd for endocrinology. The Royal London is rated 16th for cancer. Hospitals from Manchester, Salford, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leicester, Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, Plymouth, Newcastle, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Belfast also feature.

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