Free event to explore congenital heart disease | News from St Bartholomew's

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Free event to explore congenital heart disease

St Bartholomew's Hospital sign outside the hospital

Patients and their loved ones interested in learning more about congenital heart disease are invited to a free event taking place at St Bartholomew’s Hospital this October.

Hosted by experts from our Barts Heart Centre, the adult congenital heart disease patient event will feature presentations and discussions on issues including exercise, preparing for surgery and medical consultations.

It’s also an opportunity to meet with fellow patients, families and carers.

The event is taking place in the West Wing Conference Room at St Bartholomew’s Hospital from 5.30pm-7pm on Wednesday 16 October 2024.

The West Wing is located off the main square at the hospital. The conference room is on the ground floor.

Visit Eventbrite to secure your place.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact the clinical nurse specialists via email.

Congenital heart disease is one of the most common types of birth defect, affecting almost 1 in 100 babies born in the UK.

More information about our adult congenital heart disease service is available on the Barts Health website.

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