Experience our North Wing like never before | News from St Bartholomew's

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Experience our North Wing like never before

A picture of the north wing heritage tour.

The historic buildings at the heart of St Bartholomew’s Hospital have opened to the public for a series of exclusive heritage tours.

The North Wing at St Bartholomew’s was built in 1732, originally to house the financial and management functions.

The Great Hall on the first floor of the building was used by the hospital governors to entertain wealthy people from the City of London and attract donations that were vital to keeping the institution open.

Their names and the amounts given are still inscribed on the walls of the Hall.

The building is also famous for its sweeping staircase painted by William Hogarth.

Work to restore the Grade I listed buildings began last year, in time for our 900th anniversary celebrations.

The multimillion pound project is being overseen by Barts Heritage.

The Anatomy of the North Wing conservation tour will reveal the our rich history, architecture and the craftsmen and women involved in conserving and restoring one of London’s most historically significant buildings.

There is an opportunity to climb scaffolding and see the fabric of the building, including its gold leaf ceiling, up-close, and meet with those at the heart of the restoration project.

Tour places can be booked online.

Profits from the tour will be help secure the long-term future of the building.

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