Blood test changes to reduce waiting times | News from St Bartholomew's

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Blood test changes to reduce waiting times

Blood test bookings are coming to St Bartholomew's Hospital

From Monday 10 March 2025, patients coming to St Bartholomew’s Hospital for a blood test will need to book their appointment either in advance or on the day.

Walk-in blood tests will no longer be available.

The change is designed to reduce long waiting times and improve the experience for patients. By booking a slot, patients will know exactly when they’ll be seen, meaning less time spent waiting in a busy clinic.

Patients can book ahead online by visiting our booking link. For those who haven’t booked in advance, a kiosk near Clinic 1 on the groundfloor of the hospital will allow them to book a same-day appointment when they arrive.

To make things even easier, patients who have a pre-booked test can check in at the kiosk up to an hour before their appointment. However, they should still aim to arrive at least ten minutes before their scheduled time to keep things running smoothly.

Once patients have booked their test, they don’t need to stay in the waiting area – they’re free to grab a coffee, attend another appointment, or relax elsewhere until it’s time for their test.

The new system is designed to make better use of available slots and ensure appointments are available for those who need them most. Staff are available to direct patients to the kiosk if they need to book or check in, and to reassure them that same-day tests are still available – they’ll just need to book a slot first.

Outpatient matron Ange Uwera said: "This change is an important step in improving patient experience by making blood tests quicker, calmer, and more organised."

Please note, these changes apply to St Bartholomew's Hospital only. For details of blood test booking at our other Barts Health hospitals, visit the phlebotomy page on our website.

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