Providing tailored care for our patients | News from The Royal London

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Providing tailored care for our patients

Jill’s grandson, Piers, recently had surgery at The Royal London Hospital - an experience that Jill says can often be stressful and daunting due to Piers being frightened of hospitals.

Amazed by the care he received, and the extra mile staff went to ensure his comfort, she reflects on the experience:

“We’ve always had a good experience at The Royal London, but that hasn’t always been the case at other hospitals. Piers is disabled and has learning disabilities and he's particularly frightened of hospitals, and finds it difficult to have people touching him.

“I’m so used to getting involved and having to organise things for Piers. Stacey Clough, consultant in restorative dentistry, took all of this out of my hands. She really went the extra mile, which included organising to have his ears checked over while he was already under anaesthetic as he finds this too difficult to do at a clinic.

“There are certain things Piers doesn’t understand, such as not being able to eat before a surgery so you can't keep him waiting around for long and not let him eat. They made sure that he was seen first thing in the morning, and he wasn’t kept waiting around. 

“I felt listened to throughout the whole process. If there were particular drugs that hadn’t worked for him before, I felt confident enough to say something with the knowledge that they would listen and take into account everything I was telling them. 

“While in recovery from his surgery, the nurse was so gentle with him, making sure to dab his eyes and mouth for him whilst he was coming around. She was so attentive and kind.

“I knew that when he came around he would just want to go home, which can be difficult but the whole discharge process was so smooth because his summary was ready for him to go as soon as he was awake. 

“It’s already a stressful time knowing someone you love is going for surgery, and the added stresses of trying to organise so many things for Piers to ensure his comfort can make it worse. All of these anxieties were lifted off me by the team who organised everything.

“I have always been told that he can't have an MRI because he would need to be put under anaesthetic to do so and this would never be possible. Stacey managed to arrange this for us. I can’t believe the lengths everyone was going to for him. 

“I felt reassured and confident that they were the best team to provide care to Piers as everyone who was involved took the time to come and talk to me throughout the whole process.

“One day I won’t be around anymore, but it’s comforting to know that he would be in safe hands with the team at The Royal London.

“Thank you to all the staff who helped make this a more positive experience than we've had previously. I am truly overwhelmed by the care, attention and kindness you showed.”


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