Emergency medicine team scoops top research award | News from The Royal London

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Emergency medicine team scoops top research award

Colleagues from The Royal London Hospital have won a national award for their dedication to carrying out research into emergency medicine.

The team, led by emergency medicine consultant Dr Ben Bloom, has scooped a National Institute for Health Research / Royal College of Emergency Medicine award for their ‘outstanding contribution to research from 2020-2022’.

Since 2020, they have carried out 34 research studies to which they have recruited more than 6,000 patients, and they have contributed to or authored 35 peer-reviewed academic papers.

The Royal London Hospital ED research team winners

Composed of a senior nurse lead, five clinical research delivery nurses, two part-time senior nurses (who are also studying for their PhDs), two associate principal investigators and one clinical fellow, as well as Dr Bloom, the research team have offered every one of the patients they see the chance to take part in research.

In addition, they have engaged with patients about research and the benefits of it, and developed new, innovative approaches to consent, trial prescription, and data collection.

Speaking on their win, Dr Bloom said:

“We believe all patients should be given the opportunity to participate in research and strive to carry out research studies and clinical trials that represent our diverse population.

“We are delighted to have been given this award, which highlights how fundamental and important research is in the development of effective care for patients, and the importance of supporting clinical research delivery.”

Professor Jason Smith, chair of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine research committee said: “These awards are a great opportunity to showcase excellent research practice while giving researchers the chance to bid for small amounts of funding to get further work underway. Emergency care has historically been an under-resourced topic in research, but this and other initiatives will hopefully increase the profile of this important area. My congratulations to those who have been successful.”

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