News from Newham

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The Family contact centre at Newham Hospital

We are restarting the family contact centre at Newham Hospital to allow families who are unable to visit their loved ones to stay in touch with them.

We understand it can be difficult for families who are unable to visit their loved ones due to current visiting restrictions, which is why we’re bringing our contact centre back.

The centre will allow families to receive regular updates on how their loved one is doing, to pass on messages to patients if they cannot be reached directly and to help them arrange virtual visits using video calling.  All contact must be through the nominated next of kin or the nominated contact person for reasons of patient confidentiality. 

It will be staffed by nurses and administrators and will provide a point of contact for families looking to receive information on their loved ones either by e-mail ( or phone (020 7363 9357).

When contacting the centre, please have the name and date of birth – and if possible medical record number – of the person your enquiring about to hand, as well as your own contact number. This will ensure that your enquiry is addressed by the right ward team.  We aim to provide a same day response during the hours the centre is operational and can only provide information to the next of kin or nominated contact person.

This centre is open between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, with weekend sessions coming very soon. Outside of these regular hours, a voicemail facility will remain available, so please do leave a message.

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