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Thank you for going above and beyond

Your February and March Heroes of the Month are Ruby Alek and Asif Patel – read on to find out why.

Ruby Alex, a Macmillan nurse at the hospital was nominated by a patient for helping them to sing again

Ruby Alek, Newham Hospital's Hero of the Month, February 2024

“This is my sister-in-law who practically saved my life. I had bowel obstruction surgery, and it could have been fatal had she not rushed me to the hospital. Throughout my hospital stay, she checked on me daily, reassured me mentally and continued to care for me after discharge. Even now, she still checks in. Ruby’s bubbly personality is a gift.  

“Throughout my cancer journey, Ruby identified my concerns and addressed each one effectively with compassion and empathy. She is an excellent listener and very caring, always going above and beyond. Before my diagnosis, I was a singer, but I stopped performing. With Ruby’s encouragement, I’ve started singing again.”

Asif Patel, a physiotherapist, nominated by a patient and colleagues for being so engaged

Asif Patel, Newham Hospital's Hero of the Month, March 2024

The patient said:

“Thank you so much for the services you provide for many people who have lost hope and for the reassurance that they can get their life back on rack. You have been my motivation from the beginning of my recovery journey. I believe I can get my life back on track with your push and kind words.”

Colleagues said: 

“Asif continually goes above and beyond for patients, staff and colleagues. This month alone, he engaged with the patient working group, developed a ward welcome pack, strengthened relationships with ELFT colleagues, and led a Word Café event, all while caring for patients. He embodies our trust’s vision, developing staff fostering relationships and providing exceptional care. Asif is our hero."

Thank you and well done to Ruby and Asif, who truly embody our WeCare values.

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