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State of the art intensive care unit opens at Newham Hospital

doors opening

Two new wards – a 14-bedded intensive care unit (ICU) and a 26-bedded respiratory ward – have opened at Newham Hospital.

Combined, they will add 10% to the hospital’s footprint and provide the flexibility needed to adapt to and meet the needs of the local, growing population, improve patient care and give patients and staff a better experience. 

Located on the first floor, the purpose-built ICU, which boasts high-spec equipment and has large amounts of natural light, is one of the best in north east London. Named Gallions Reach, it contains six single-occupancy side rooms and two four-bedded bays, as well as two nurses’ stations, offices and staff facilities. It also contains features such as privacy windows between patient beds and a bespoke family room, providing a better experience for loved ones and visitors, as well as patients.

“It’s been a labour of love”, explains Dr James Napier, an ICU consultant and clinical lead for the project. “This is something we’ve been hoping would happen for a number of years and to see it finally open is amazing. It’s a testament to everyone involved in the project and to our commitment to providing even better care to our patients.”

The new respiratory ward, Upton Park, is located on the ground floor. A 26-bedded ward, it’s got improved spaces for patients and staff, large amounts of natural light and soon to be installed artwork, selected in collaboration with patients and staff.

Hospital rooms

“It’s been years in the making, but it’s worth it,” explains Fiona Sarpong, ward manager for Upton Park. “This new space will provide a better experience for patients, visitors and staff, and we’re so excited to be in this new space.”

“We’re so proud to have this new ICU and respiratory ward open,” explains Simon Ashton, chief executive of the hospital. “It marks a big investment in our borough, our patients and our people. “Having these new spaces will allow us to provide even better care to our patients, including some of our sickest, and to better help the people of Newham and beyond. It’s fantastic and I’m grateful to everyone who played a part in making this happen.

The names for the new wards – Gallions Reach and Upton Park – were selected in collaboration with the public, via social media votes.

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  1. sitivesax Friday, 19 July 2024 at 03:32 AM

    The addition of the ICU and respiratory ward at Newham Hospital is a huge step forward. The modern facilities and extra beds will undoubtedly improve patient care. Kudos to everyone involved in this tunnel rush project!

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