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Reflections from the army

Steve, Lauren and Jordan

Three weeks ago, we welcomed colleagues from the army to Newham Hospital. Providing what’s known as military aid to civilian authorities or MACA, they helped us manage Covid-19 and winter pressures.  

We spoke to members of the team Staff Sergeant Steve Whyte, Craftsman Jordan Neville and Lance Corporal Lauren Webster about their time working in here as they bid farewell to Newham Hospital.

Image of Sergeant Stephe Whyte

Steve, how has your team found the experience of supporting staff at Newham Hospital?  

“Working in Newham Hospital was a great experience for all of us. The team and myself have never set foot in a hospital environment before and we were given such a warm welcome from everyone. 

“We’re used to a very different pace of work in our usual day-to-day job in the army. But despite the challenges of working in a fast-paced environment, we’ve really enjoyed our time here and have plenty of positive lessons and experiences to take away from our time here.” 

Left - image of Lance Corporal Lauren. Right - image of Craftsman Jordan.

What was something new you learned during your time at the hospital?   

“I was asked to support the team in the stroke ward, which was a particular eye opener for me. The nurses in the ward were constantly on their feet, taking care of patients and attending to their needs,” said Lauren  

“Their passion and dedication to the job was inspiring and made me appreciate the hard work of hospital staff even more.” 

Jordan added: “Working alongside staff in A&E made me realise that I don’t give my friends who work in a hospital enough credit, especially given the pressures they have been facing and working under.” 

What have you all gained from the experience?  

“Going forward, when I next pay a visit to a hospital, I’m not just going to be seeing things from a patient’s perspective,” said Jordan. “I’ll also be going in with first-hand experience of the amount of hard work and hours staff put in to ensure patients are happy and receiving high quality care.” 

Steve added: “Working in Newham Hospital allowed me to gain valuable insight into the different functions that are involved in the running of a hospital, especially from an estates and facilities perspective. It’s opened my eyes to a new potential career path for the future.” 

“Getting the chance to meet and work closely with hospital staff over the last few weeks made me understand their passion and love for the job despite the challenging times,” said Lauren.  

“I was also in the wards helping out with patients and as someone who isn’t used to being in a public facing role, it’s made me a more considerate and understanding person.” 

A huge thank you to Steve, Lauren, Jordan and the rest of the team for their invaluable support to Newham Hospital over the last three weeks.  

Read more: 

Thank you and farewell: army support withdrawn from Barts Health


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