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Our star, Dr Marie

Congratulations to Dr Marie Argo who has been awarded our star of the month for June. 

Marie is a special trainee 3 (ST3) doctor in emergency medicine, working in our ED and is chair of the junior doctor forum. She was nominated for her hard work in leading the forum, working to improve the experiences of junior doctors at Newham Hospital, and in turn, improve care and the experiences of patients. 

Marie’s full nomination reads: 

“Over the past year Marie has taken on the role of the chairing the junior doctors forum at Newham Hospital. She has tirelessly worked with staff across the site – from F1s to the hospital executive board – to improve the working lives of the junior staff and patient care.  

“She has made the forum a place where people's concerns are heard by the executive team, but also that real time solutions are found. Issues ranging from lack of access to computers, to pay and safe staffing have been tackled. She has role modelled leadership skills along with an ability to deliver change throughout the year.” 

Simon Ashton, chief executive for the hospital said: “As chair of the forum, Marie has made great strides to ensure that the voices of our junior doctors are heard and that they are supported. Her engaging, collaborative, accountable, respectful and equitable attitude as a colleague and doctor makes her a well-deserved winner as our Star of the Month for June. Thank you and well-done Marie!” 

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