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Our December superstars

Huge congratulations to our ED majors team for being awarded our Star of the Month for December.

The team received two nominations from patients, who commended their ‘continuous hard work despite facing a challenging period’ due to winter pressures. Their nomination reads:

“I was in the ED as an inpatient for 4 days. I was treated with respect, my medications were given on time and efficiently even though they were extremely busy with increasing amount of patients. I was looked after by Judy, Lowela, Shabina, Michael and others. They were a fantastic team and looked after myself and patients around me really well.

"In these tough times, I can see this team giving everything they can to prioritise patient needs. They engage in a polite manner, [and were] kind, understanding and supportive throughout my hospitalisation. They deserve this award for their hard work, efficiency and going all out to help the patients.”

Speaking on the nomination, our CEO Simon Ashton, said:

“It’s fantastic to see such positive feedback for the ED majors team. It’s especially brilliant to have the great care they’ve provide to patients recognised by patients themselves.

“Our ED teams have had a difficult few months working through one of the hardest winters the NHS has faced in years. I’d like to thank everyone working there for continuing to ensure our patients are well looked after. A massive thank you and well-done team majors!”

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