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October’s stars shine bright!

October 2022 Newham Hosptial SOTM winners2

Your Newham Hospital Stars of the Month for October 2022 are the neonatal doctors’ rota team!

The team (pictured below) were nominated for their ‘dedication and commitment’ to ensuring that the rota is sorted in plenty of time so staff have advance notice of when they're working, while at the same time filling any short-notice gaps, due to illeness. Doing so ensures patients are well cared for and safe staffing levels maintained. 

Speaking on the nomination, Simon Ashton, CEO of Newham Hospital said:

“Managing, updating and juggling rotas correctly is vital to ensuring that there are always safe levels of staffing in all areas of the hospital. It’s a difficult task which is often overlooked but is essential to the day-to-day running of our hospital, and safe and efficient care of our patients.

“I’d like to congratulate everyone on the neonatal doctors’ rota team for the well-deserved nomination and award, and for displaying our trust values of engaging and caring.”

Newham Hospital's October 2022 Star of the Month winners

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  1. Geetha Chacko Wednesday, 14 December 2022 at 03:30 PM

    Congratulations dear Doctors..

  2. Tracy Yesin Wednesday, 14 December 2022 at 03:59 PM

    Congratulations to your star award. Well deserved recognition.

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