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Congratulations Catriona!

Catriona Rowland, wellbeing lead for Newham Hospital and a QI coach, has won the mental wellbeing champion award at the 2021 Unsung Heroes Awards.

She beat out other hopefuls to take home the award in recognition of the amazing work she has done – and continues to do – to improve the emotional and physical wellbeing of her colleagues.

“Everyone at our hospital knows Catriona and knows her passion and dedication to improving wellbeing for everyone. That’s why it’s so fantastic to see her hard work and dedication to helping her colleagues look after themselves over the last 20 months be recognised nationally,” says Adam Sewell-Jones, chief executive of Newham Hospital. “I’m very proud that she’s part of the Newham Hospital family.”

Among the work and projects that Catriona has led to improve the mental and physical wellbeing of staff at Newham Hospital are:

  • Brining trainee massage therapists from the University of East London into the hospital to provide free massages to staff
  • Establishing a new gardening club
  • Organising fitness classes
  • Encouraging staff to feedback on and suggest new wellbeing ideas via the ImproveWell app
  • Overseeing the day-to-day running of the wellbeing hubs (stacked with free magazines) and helping with the development of the new, permanent wellbeing space in the hospital
  • Working with The Scrubbery to provide wellbeing gift bags to staff

When delivering these projects, Catriona takes a QI approach, so that she can ensure they’re constantly being tweaked and improved if needed.

Speaking about what it means to be recognised for her work, Catriona said: “I’m so humbled and honoured to have won this award. It means the world just to have been nominated, let alone be shortlisted and win. I’m so proud to work at Newham Hospital and to be able to play a role in making sure staff  there – my colleagues – are supported in improving their wellbeing.”

Congratulations again Catriona on winning this award – it’s very well deserved.

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  1. Emma Taylor Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 11:36 AM

    FANTASTIC NEWS!! Congratulations Catriona! So well deserved! You do so much for us all here in Newham - your determination and enthusiasm is amazing - you just do not stop!! You have encouraged and inspired me to get a bike to travel into work and have now since March riding in and loving every moment. You have also inspired me to run!! In to week 4 of Couch to 5K! I, for one appreciate all you do to keep us healthy and well. BIG thanks to you and Well Done Girl !!

  2. Catriona Rowland Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 12:06 PM

    Thanks Emma for the kind words. I am glad I am making a difference in NUH.

  3. Catriona Rowland Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 12:06 PM

    Thanks Emma for the kind words. I am glad I am making a difference in NUH.

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