Windrush, I Dare You - A poem by Veronica Lee | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Windrush, I Dare You - A poem by Veronica Lee

Windrush Day is an annual celebration that marks the arrival of up to 500,000 Afro-Caribbean immigrants that made a significant contribution to the UK’s social, cultural and economic life over the years.

Today is a day of remembering the national status given to the legacy of every passenger and descendent of the Windrush Generation and celebrating racial equality. Veronica Lee, Co-chair Black and Minority Ethnic Staff Network shares a poem that she wrote to celebrate today.

Windrush, I Dare You

Dare to dream of a land full of self esteem
Where streets are paved with gold 
Hardship is never seen and prosperity is friends with young and old. 
Leave behind sweet mangoes, guava, Adam’s ale and a cacophony of calm laid back vibes.
Come, Here said, we need you
and so they were lead.

Dare to leave on a vessel that defies dead man’s float.
Move to a land so far, how will you spy your ma and pa?
Set the sun aside in search of a different kind of sunnier clime.
Swirl the sand beneath your toes no more ahead
Leave behind what you know and love so that generations forward, can rise above.

Dare to stay where you’re not welcome
Weather cold, waters falling and cotton tumbling from the sky
Abode doors shut, jobs held back,
Skin too ignorantly dark, hair too kinkily curly 
Show me your tail, show me your teeth, how can you be me underneath?
Close your eyes, you do not hear, kiss your teeth and continue with the dare.

Dare to laugh some decades on.
Here said, there’s something about those settlers from afar.
We feel their energy, joy and strength- we’ll have some of that to quicken our steps.
Food so seasoned, music so loud, carnival is coming get the drinks cooled and pageantry out now.
Skin so darkly jealous, hair so kinkily versatile,
shape with curve and volume now run with fashionistas, media and surgeons.

Dare to fight what’s not right
74 years on and you’re one of us- The fabric of British life.
No fuss, no need to fight, because you and I share the same might.
What ceiling? What boundaries? There’s no knee on your neck.
Imagination’s taking hold, it has to be, this is the Commonwealth - that includes you and me.
Then respect me we say, allow us up to your level, value our difference and include in every way.
See us no more as a people from afar.

Windrush you turn my dreams into reality because you set yours aside in the sand 
I stay where you built the community so I can dance, sway and of course have my say
My laughter naturally springs to life as the warmth of isles afar, was always deep within your code
I challenge with knowledge and surety as you laid down arms with grace and integrity.
I belong for year after year you changed Here, weaving me into the melody of Society’s Song.

Windrush, Windrush, My Islands Windrush I Dare Because of You.


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