Volunteers' Week: Saeed Absia's story | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Volunteers' Week: Saeed Absia's story

Saeed Absia

To mark Volunteers' Week on 1-7 June, we spoke with Saeed Absia, a marketing professional and a volunteer at The Royal London Hospital.

Saeed provides us with an insight into his role, what a typical day looks like, and what he enjoys the most about volunteering.

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am a marketing professional and after experiencing redundancy last year, I decided to have a short career break and look for new opportunities. I mentor at Bow School through the charity ReachOut as a way of giving back, and I’ve been looking for other ways to play a more active role in my local community, including volunteering.

How long have you been a volunteer at The Royal London Hospital?
I have been volunteering at The Royal London Hospital since mid-April, so it’s been over 6 weeks now. And what a great and rewarding experience so far! I’m learning something new every day (especially since I don’t have a medical background) and I plan to continue for as long as I am needed.

Why did you decide to become a volunteer?
The job market in my sector has plummeted since the lockdown and I’m unfortunately unemployed at the moment. I saw the government’s call for volunteers and The Royal London Hospital is only a short 25-minute walk from where I live, so I applied directly.

I felt compelled to help. Although there are some levels of risk, as it is for everyone else on the frontline, I had the full support from my loved ones to go ahead and join.

Describe what a usual day volunteering involves?
In my first 4 weeks as a volunteer, I worked with the supplies team and redeployed staff to ensure essential supplies were continually stocked for the COVID-19 intensive treatment units, so our nurses and doctors have what they need every day.

I also helped with the supplies for the new purpose-built critical care units on the top floor of The Royal London Hospital which was developed to increase capacity. I am incredibly proud of that initiative and everyone who did their part to make it happen.

I am now with the fit testing team, organising the process for each patient-facing staff to test the best protective mask for them so they can carry out their patient treatments and care effectively.

What’s your favourite thing about being a volunteer?
What I love most is supporting teams in different parts of The Royal London Hospital and working with brilliant and compassionate people!

I’ve also had the opportunity during breaks to get to know my colleagues better, have a laugh and share stories and perspectives. I want to thank my awesome colleagues I’ve worked with so far, Marufa, Richard, Nancy, Michael, Al, Graham, Timmy, Xavi, Danica, Monika, Dalvinder, Jax, Harjit, Debbie and Justyna.


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