Thank you to the South Grove Primary School Knitting Club | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Thank you to the South Grove Primary School Knitting Club

Thanks to the South Grove Primary School knitting club who have donated a hand-knitted blanket to the Zig Zag children's service.

The blanket will be much appreciated in the therapeutic room at the centre.

South Grove Knitting club meet every Wednesday for a lunchtime session of knitting and chatting with a volunteer leader.

A group of 10 boys and girls take part.

This year they knitted the blanket and were very keen to give it to some children that may be having a difficult time.

Zig Zag is part of the Psychological Support Service based at Whipps Cross Hospital for children aged 3-11 years of age, who need help and support through times of loss and change related to life-limiting, progressive conditions and bereavement. 


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