Senior charge nurse John pays tribute to redeployed colleagues | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Senior charge nurse John pays tribute to redeployed colleagues

John Wells, who works in adult critical care at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, says ‘thank you’ to the nurses and health care support workers helping us to navigate this very difficult period of the pandemic.

Make no mistake, this is a crisis and we are on the ragged edge, in the midst, once again, of a massive explosion of intensive care demand caused by Covid-19.

We have redeployed 70 intensive care nurses to The Royal London Hospital and send others ad hoc daily – as many as we can.

We are only still afloat because of the magnificent work of the redeployed nurses and health care support workers.

We are immensely grateful for their sterling support, they are amazing.

They are very brave to jump in and help.

What they do is not just important, it’s critical.

We could not care for these patients, in these numbers, without them. We would have drowned.

It is very important that they know that there are many people alive today who would not be… but for them.

Thank you.

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