Barts Health procurement team hit a trifecta | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Barts Health procurement team hit a trifecta

The procurement team is no stranger to being recognised for outstanding performance, and they’ve received a raft of new accolades in the past few weeks.

Last week, the team won “team of the year” at the national Go Awards for public procurement. The notable award recognised the considerable innovation across every aspect of their service, including supporting our elective recovery programme; enhancing the value we get from suppliers with transparent KPIs and commitments to our long term strategic vision of an equitable and sustainable NHS; awarding contracts to suppliers to deliver £10m of social value benefits in our local community; and supporting the development and wellbeing of the team. The judges saw that the team prides itself on a culture of putting patients and customers first, as well as a drive to meet, and in some cases, exceed the ambitions it sets for itself.

Procurement teamSeparately, Brad Day, deputy director of sourcing, won the NHS procurement outstanding contribution award in the NHS London and South Excellence in Supply Awards. On winning this award, Brad said: "I am immensely proud of how the team worked together during the pandemic, and are now working strategically to achieve best value by collaborating with our partners across NEL. Well done to everyone!"

The team was also shortlisted for the successful Thrive programme in the HFMA awards. The programme empowers women in procurement and finance to thrive in their careers through a dedicated programme running across seven half-days. Across all metrics, and all attendees, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive and importantly, the gender pay gap in the team has dropped from 10.3% in March 2021 to 4% in January 2023.

None of these achievements would have been possible without the procurement and supply chain teams rising to the challenge and working together.

Lucie Jaggar, chief procurement officer said: "It’s fantastic to have the efforts of the team recognised at these prestigious awards, and in the face of very stiff competition. Procurement and supply chain plays a vital role within Barts Health and is a key enabler of our strategy, not least our ambition to be a lead anchor institution within north-east London, bringing benefits to patients and our communities. Congratulations to all the team."

Hardev Virdee, group chief finance officer, said: "The procurement team at Barts work tirelessly to support our hospitals in delivering care to our patients and population. The team also lead the charge on creating social value through innovation which supports our drive to be a sustainable organisation. This culture of delivering a high quality service whilst driving improvements across our communities shines through. The team are amazing and the award is well deserved. I'm very proud."


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