#TeamBartsHealth blogs

Shane DeGaris (sombre)

AHPs Day - Blog by Shane Degaris

Today is the first ever National Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) Day.

Our Deputy CEO, Shane Degaris, wants us all the celebrate the contribution and impact our AHP colleagues make to the health and wellbeing of our patients every day.

60 seconds with Nometha Rahman

A pilot functional skills scheme has been launched at Newham University Hospital for staff working across the Trust to achieve level two qualifications in maths, English and ICT. These skills are vital for career progression and personal development. Nometha Rahman decided to join the functional skills scheme so that she could learn new skills in order to take the next step in her career. 

60 seconds with Sara Little

In her 60 seconds interview, Sara Little - Head of Quality and Efficiency at St Bartholomew's Hospital, tells us more about the improvement projects her team supports and how they are improving outcomes for patients, as well as patient experience.

60 seconds with Alison Knapp

I started training as a nurse at Barts in May 1965, qualifying and gaining my Barts Badge in 1969. After working on the wards, I specialised in nursing within the operating theatres. I was a Staff Nurse, then a Staff Sister and then managed the operating theatres from 1970 until 1985.  I then managed surgical services until 1994, which is when Barts and the Royal London merged.

60 seconds - Mary Walsh Guardian Service

Mary Walsh is the lead Freedom to Speak Up Guardian for Barts Health.

In her 60 second interview, Mary reflects on the importance of The Guardian Service, why it is a useful support channel for staff, and why it is vital that we all feel confident enough to raise concerns.

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