#TeamBartsHealth blogs

Our future workforce

Russell Thomson, lead nurse and manager for outpatient’s, hares the benefits of having T level students on board

Carla Croft PSS service latest headshot.JPG

World Cancer Day thoughts: supporting someone with cancer

For World Cancer Day on 4 February, our Psychological Support Service at Barts Health shares some tips for supporting someone experiencing cancer, with Specialist Consultant Clinical Psychologists, Dr Frances Goodhart and Dr Caroline Dancyger.

Mark W

Should you go ‘Dry in January’?

Doctor Mark Winwood, principal psychologist from our psychological support service at Barts Health talks about the evidence around reducing alcohol and maybe use Dry January as a catalyst for more long term health improvement.

Think about your patient's safety with image from screenscaver used for alcohol awareness week

Overcoming alcohol addiction: It was up to me to find me again

Alcohol awareness week ran from 21 – 27 November this year. As a Trust, we are tackling stigmas around addiction and seeking guidance, especially around the festive period where social drinking, family bereavement and mental health difficulty can all play a part in consumption.

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