#TeamBartsHealth blogs

Celebrating Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month at Barts Health gives us the opportunity to share and celebrate the impact of black heritage and culture and recognise the contributions and achievements of those of African or Caribbean heritage.

Ricarda Tillman CP

Dance, movement and cerebral palsy

Hello, my name is Ricarda Tillman and I'm a paediatric neuromuscular orthopaedic physiotherapist (a mouthful I know!). My role involves helping to treat and manage disorders in children that affect the muscles.

Tanya Usher

Meet your new head of wellbeing

Tanya (Tarn) Usher has been appointed our head of wellbeing for The Royal London and Mile End. The role is the first of its kind for our hospitals, and the first in a team of four dedicated wellbeing roles.

Bringing about a just culture 

Mary Walsh, Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, writes about her role as a critical friend to Barts Health and enabling colleagues to speak truth to power.   

Rehan Khan

A piece of paper with a powerful purpose

Mr Rehan Khan, consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology, discusses how filling out your details when you attend a hospital appointment is helping us to identify and reduce health inequalities. 

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