NHS70 special: 60 seconds with Dr Bijay Shah | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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NHS70 special: 60 seconds with Dr Bijay Shah

How long have you worked here?

I have worked at Whipps for over 5 years!

What attracted you to the job?

The challenges involved in caring for elderly patients.

What does your job involve?

I am a Consultant Geriatrician.

What do you like most about your job?

Working together different healthcare professional to help our patients on Syringa ward .

What’s your proudest achievement?

Syringa ward winning WXH Centenary award and Bart’s Health heroes award

What has been your biggest challenge?

Maximising the different strength and skills of the members of the Syringa MDT.

How does it feel to be nominated for a Windrush Award?

Feels good to be appreciated by colleagues.

How do you feel about the NHS turning 70 this year? What’s been your greatest memory?

Very proud. NHS is the best healthcare provider in the world.

My greatest memory is colleagues working round the clock to improve the health and well-being of the nation.

How would you spend an ideal day off?

Spending time with family.

Tell us something surprising about yourself:

I am very good cricketer and a decent cook as well.


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