Meet your new head of wellbeing

Tanya (Tarn) Usher has been appointed our head of wellbeing for The Royal London and Mile End. The role is the first of its kind for our hospitals, and the first in a team of four dedicated wellbeing roles.
Tarn will continue the work of our children's management team including Mamta Vaidya and Gavin James, who led wellbeing work during the peak of the pandemic.
We caught up with Tarn to learn more about her new role.
Tell us a bit about your background.
"I joined the trust as a senior physiotherapist in 2004. I specialised in intensive care and had the privilege of a rich and varied experience, working in a fast paced - at times challenging - but also rewarding environment, with an amazing team. More recently I have learnt so much from a secondment in group clinical services, working in quality improvement, wellbeing, IPC, and also governance work streams. With these I had the opportunity to work with some really inspirational people, from my GCS colleagues, to the organisational development team; psychology support service; the people team; EWS; public health, the diversity networks, etc!"
Why did you apply for the head of wellbeing role?
"It is just such an extraordinary opportunity and a great honour to work collaboratively to positively impact colleagues wellbeing. After working in the NHS for 22 years, particularly in this recent ‘VUCA state’ (volatile, uncertain, challenging ambiguous), I am more aware than ever that people are the NHS’ value - each and every one of them. I applied for the job to really concentrate on implementing and embedding a system wide wellbeing strategy that is meaningful, makes a difference and puts our people first so they can in turn deliver outstanding care."
Will there be more roles available in the wellbeing team?
"Yes! I am excited to share that we will be recruiting three people to join me in the wellbeing team. I'm only just starting the process and we will share the adverts when they are ready, but in the meantime you are welcome to contact me for a chat about the roles."
What will be your main focus?
"Those that know me may know I have a particular interest in running and being active, but wellbeing is so much more than this, and it’s about moving from the conventional definition of wellbeing. We know wellbeing is subjective, it truly means different things to different people at different points in their lives. I think that’s where we need to focus - what matters to you? How can we build a truly resilient organisation that can respond and be agile to our needs?"
What will your role involve?
"The NHS People Plan is clear on prioritising wellbeing needs and broadly depicts it in seven domains (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, lifestyle and social) and I will focus on clear tangible co-designed strategies around these pillars, working with all the others to collectively produce a meaningful and equitable wellbeing service that is designed by our people, for our people. It will take some time to fully implement – but the sites have already made huge advancements in many aspects of wellbeing, and I will focus on maintaining this growth and development, continuing to embed the principles whereby you can bring your best self to work, and flourish."
What are you most looking forward to?
"Working compassionately and collectively together, and getting stuck in to making a difference. How do we make it easier for staff to do their job, how can I truly help colleagues to make wellbeing a priority and a good sense of wellbeing always possible?
"Also, sharing ideas and learning. So many teams have managed to implement strategies that have worked for them – how can we learn from that, and co-produce a proactive productive framework for taking a whole person, whole organisation approach to embedding health and wellbeing into our hospital sites. "
Why is looking after all aspects of our wellbeing so important?
"I once read that if you work in the NHS and aren’t looking after patients, then you need to be looking after the people that do – that is why wellbeing is so important to me. Professor Don Berwick talks about prioritising wellbeing and restoring joy at work, and this is important to me - to have wellbeing as the fabric, the DNA of the way we do things, and embedded in the way we work and think.
"Our staff are our most vital resource. We can only excel with wellbeing being at the forefront, which in turn positively impacts patient care and outcomes. There is a wealth of evidence base in this area, but I won’t bore you with it!"
What can staff contact you about?
"Any queries about wellbeing. It’s so important to listen; whether it is sharing ideas, requests, enquiries, signposting, information - whatever matters to you. We have some great resources and offers on WeShare and I really want to ensure we reach all staff. I am keen to continue to build our wellbeing champions – if you want to know more, get in touch! Email me or find me on Twitter."
Tell us something interesting about you!
"I can wiggle my ears, one at a time. Very proud of this..."